Sooner or later, the typical company likely will encounter some unexpected situation in which the conduct of an employee or agent clearly should be investigated. And in certain cases, both federal and state laws may well require the company to do so. Yet most small businesses, and even many larger companies, simply lack the internal resources to conduct an impartial, timely, and effective workplace investigation. If that is the case with your company, surely you will want to contact us.
An improperly conducted workplace investigation can expose a company to legal jeopardy, financial losses, regulatory actions, a tarnished reputation, loss of confidence in management, and a decline in employee morale.
A properly conducted workplace investigation will thoroughly examine all relevant issues, objectively identify the underlying facts, and establish a justifiable basis for any subsequent remedial or disciplinary action which is taken (or not taken) by the company.
A properly conducted workplace investigation can mitigate the sanctions which otherwise might result from an EEOC inquiry or other governmental review.
A properly conducted workplace investigation also may preclude a civil lawsuit against the company by a disgruntled current or former employee, and it will help to establish an affirmative defense for the company if such litigation occurs.
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